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The Experience of Breathwork

Conscious Connected Breath (CCB)

guided breathwork session

​Conscious Connected Breath (CCB) is a breathing technique of body and energy work that will guide you into states of deep transformation.


With your eyes closed and lying on a mat, (or seated -  not recommended for beginners), supported by powerful music, you will be transported with your own breath into an altered state of consciousness to discover your inner landscape beyond the limits of your mind and image of self.


The term ‘Breathwork’ without a space between ‘breath’ and ‘work’ is the official term used to describe all variants of CCB; and this is the practice that has seen a major boom in popularity over the past 5 years.


All CCB variants stem from two major branches of modern Breathwork which were born in the 1960’s – Holotropic and Rebirthing. While the methods, environment, and tools used differ among CCB variants, they all share the technique of having no pause between the inhale and exhale.


Keeping the breath connected leads to non-ordinary states of mind with alterations of consciousness that can feel quite similar to psychedelics and plant medicine. Every CCB session is different for every person, every time, and the breath is the guide, taking you exactly where you need to go for your highest healing.


Some benefits reported by breathers include:

  •  the shedding of trauma,

  •  spiritual connectivity,

  •  breakthrough insights,

  •  physical healing,

  •  connections with the divine or deceased loved ones,

  •  more self love,

  •  increased happiness and presence,

  •  better relationships, and

  •  an acceleration of awakening.


Your breath becomes a catalyst to move you beyond the ego into the deepest parts of your body, mind and spirit. This provides you an opportunity and invitation to uncover patterns that have you stuck, receive powerful insights, release emotions and move energy. You will be energetically held in a safe container, with full permission to experience and express the entire range of emotions that may surface. Connect with your own inner wisdom and healer.


There is no previous experience necessary, all will be explained during our work.


Come explore your breath and be curious, open minded and exactly as you are.

Petra on a hillside practicing breathwork

Breathwork Practice Contraindications

A breathwork practice is not recommended for anyone with cardio vascular disease, glycoma, retinal detatchment, high blood pressure, pregnancy, thyroid condition, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy or aneurysm.


Breath of My Life Logo Blue

Breathwork Practice Potential Side Effects

Breathwork can potentially have the side effects of physical sensations such as temperature change, dry mouth, cramping of the hands or feet, and in some cases strong emotional release. After an emotional experience, integration practices such as consultation with a personal therapist or a private 1:1 session could be helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions.

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